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The El Tatio Geyser Field, locally known as Los Géiseres del Tatio, is located within the Andes Mountains of northern Chile, about 89 kilometers from San Pedro. With over 80 active geysers and a hundred steamy fumaroles, El Tatio is the largest geyser field in the southern hemisphere and the third largest field in the world, following Yellowstone National Park in USA, and Valley of Geysers in Russia. Approximately 8% of the world geysers are located here. El Tatio is also among one of the highest-elevation geyser fields in the world, being situated at 4,200 meters above mean sea level.

Despite the large number of geysers here, the eruptions are not very high, reaching an average of only 76 centimeters. For comparison, those in Yellowstone National Park, and in Iceland, shoots up to 60-70 meters.


Photo credit: Robin Fernandes/Flickr

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