Mangalitsa or Mangalica is a rare breed of pig of Hungarian origin that has an unusual growth of curly hair over its body, akin to that of a sheep. The fleece can be black, or red, but is most commonly blond. The only other pig breed noted for having a long coat is the now extinct Lincolnshire Curly Coat of England. The Mangalica is the last pig in existence to sport this unusual fleece, and it was nearly lost to extinction by the 1990s, when fewer than 200 pigs remained.
Breeding of the Mangalitsa started in the 1830s in the Austro-Hungarian Empire after Archduke Joseph Anton Johann, the seventh son of the Roman Emperor Leopold II, received some Sumadija pigs from a Serbian prince, and crossed them with Bakony and Szalonta pigs. The resulting Mangalitsa sported curly hair and were inclined to put on much weight. Initially the pig was reserved for the Habsburg Royalty, but because of its great taste it became so popular that by the end of the 19th century it was the main breed in Europe.
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