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Salty Dawg Saloon is a popular watering hole in Homer Spit in Homer, Alaska, and the most cherished landmark of the Spit, which is understandable, being the only bar on the 7.2 km long piece of land jutting out into Kachemak Bay. While there is no shortage of bars on the town, locals like to drive out of the way and into Homer Boat Harbor, through the world’s longest road built into ocean waters to gather at this peculiar joint famous for “hosting ugly sweater parties and Sunday football celebrations.” Even more peculiar is the interior. Almost every available space on the walls and ceilings are adorned with dollar bills – signed and stuck by visitors, as well as personal items such as rings, clothing items and maritime trophies from boats that went down at sea. Many visitors to Homer, even those who don't drink alcohol, make Salty Dawg Saloon a must-see stop to sample the essence of Homer.


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