Hrithik Roshan is one of the biggest stars in Bollywood and Tiger Shroff has made a promising debut last year. However there seems to be some commonality between the two. Both the actors are Shiva Bhakts. While there was Shivratri early this week, Tiger was fasting and Hrithik visited a Shiv temple.
Tiger was told of this common thread and he was elated to know that Hrithik is a Shiv bhakt too. Tiger personally looks up to Hrithik and to share this connection with him meant a lot. He was euphoric about the discovery. Even though it is a little thing, it just meant a lot to Tiger.
It would be interesting to note that the other thing common between them is that they both are dance enthusiast and come from the film fraternity. In fact owing to their filmy connection their debuts were well mounted and created a strong buzz. Hrithik made a debut with Kaho Na Pyaar Hai and left no doubt that he will be loved and he will be big.
While Tiger has made a roaring debut as well, he yet has uncharted waters to test. Says Tiger, “I was surprised to find out that Hrithik sir is also a devotee of Shiv. I always have admired Hrithik sir and somehow it makes me very happy to know that we have similar spiritual beliefs.”
He further adds, “It’s only fitting that Hrithik sir is a follower because he too like Lord Shiva can destroy anyone in dance.”
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