After having made her mark in Bollywood, the beauty queen-turned-actress Manasvi is seemingly set for international stuff. Readers may recall Manasvi as the very lady who was majorly instrumental in Donald Trump’s win in the US Presidential election campaign, in the USA, catalyzing Hindu and Indian Americans to lend their unwavering support to the newly elected President of the United States,.
Recently, the beautiful Manasvi performed in front of an audience of 800,000 people at the much talked about Donald Trump's inaugural welcome celebrations, which was held at the Lincoln Memorial. The head honchos of the ‘Trump campaign’ have acknowledged the contribution of RHC (Republican Hindu Coalition) and Manasvi for their immense contribution in the historic win of Donal Trump.
The event also saw Manasvi performing to Bollywood songs including ‘Kaala Chashma’, ‘Jumme Ki Raat’, ‘Dhoom Machale’, ‘Jai Ho’ among others. With the aim of catalysing and bettering the relationships between India and the USA, Manasvi will now be part of the 11 inauguration ceremonies, which commenced from this month.