In the first weekend at the box office, Salman Khan starrer Jai Ho has grossed Rs. 100.80 crores worldwide. The film has been the biggest weekend gross for a non-festive Salman starrer. Eros International has announced a strong opening weekend for Jai Ho at the box office. The film has bagged impressive Rs. 100.80 crore gross worldwide, despite a non holiday weekend.
The film released in over 5000 screens worldwide and has record a smashing start overall. Salman’s teeming zillions of fans kept the ticket counters rolling in the opening weekend.
The film amassed a significant Rs. 77.80 crores gross (Rs. 58.50 crore nett) in India and 23 crore (US $3.70 million) overseas. The film opened to Rs. 17.50 crore on Friday followed by Rs. 16 crore on Saturday. The film however saw a massive jump on Saturday with its collections stationing itself at Rs. 25 crore at the domestic box office.
Nandu Ahuja, VP-India, Eros International said, “Salman fans have given a huge thumbs up to Jai Ho. The film is packed with Salman style action along with the emotion and message of the human chain of goodness and it has touched the right chord with his fans. This is an outstanding opening and his highest where we didn’t have the added advantage of a long weekend”.
Pranab Kapadia, President, Marketing & Distribution, Eros International plc added, “With January usually being a slow start in the overseas markets, the overseas weekend for Jai Ho was excellent .This also being a non holiday period reflects very well on the film’s opening. It is trending at a similar or better level compared to recent Salman blockbusters”.
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