This week the two big Diwali releases Aamir Khan’s Secret Superstar and Rohit Shetty’s Golmaal Again went through the CBFC. As expected both the purported blockbusters were given a ‘UA’ with minimal cuts.
According to sources at the CBFC, there was discussion over what should be done to Golmaal Again as the film has references to the supernatural. “There are scenes about ghosts and moving objects. Naturally the CBFC is expected to come down on the unnatural and supernatural. However the spook element in Golmaal Again is all in jest. We can’t take life seriously all the time. The censor board cleared the film with a ‘UA’.”
The CBFC sources describe Secret Superstar as another Taare Zameen Par. “Again Aamir plays a mentor guide and pupil. Last time he played saviour to a dyslexic boy. This time he’s saviour to an oppressed girl. Darsheel Safary wanted to be a painter. This girl wants to be a singer. In both Taare Zameen Par and Secret Superstar Aamir’s character is there halfway through the film.”