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Added on: 2019-01-13 00:25:44 Total Views: 1,678
Description: Video details - fVViIplY7oA : வீட்டோட மாப்பிள்ளை - Veettoda Mappillai Super Hit Tamil Movie || Kandaswamy (Vijayakumar) has three daughters and a son: Meena (Roja), Jamuna (Kalpana), Rani (Kovai Sarala) and Muthupandi (Thalaivasal Vijay). When Muthupandi was young, he fought with his father, cut his father's hand with a knife and ran away to Mumbai. Alone, Kandaswamy brings up his three daughters. His elder two daughters get married with his relatives, Ganga (Charle) and Dhamu (Vaiyapuri), two jobless and lazy sons-in-law. Kandaswamy owns a restaurant. Manikkam (Napoleon), a jobless young graduate, is hired by Kandaswamy. Manikkam works sincerely and Kandaswamy decides to marry his daughter Meena to him. He requests to Manikkam that the couple must stay with him and he accepts, then they get married. Ganga and Dhamu begin a company with their wives' jewels and it's bankrupt. Muthupandi, a hotel owner in Mumbai, comes back with his wife and children. Muthupandi's hotel was in fact in bankrupt and lost everything. Muthupandi, with Ganga and Dhamu's support, brings out Meena and Manikkam. Manikkam opens a restaurant in front of Kandaswamy's restaurant. Muthupandi changes his father's restaurant into a bar while his father was absent. Muthupandi's former henchmen blackmailed him to give them money. Back home, Kandaswamy is humiliated by his son and attempts to suicide. Muthupandi's former henchmen beats Muthupandi and he is taken hostage. His sons-in-law save Muthupandi. Muthupandi, Ganga and Dhamu apologize to Kandaswamy. They live happily together.