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Added on: 2020-09-28 11:11:26 Total Views: 1,567
Description: Video details - DTaDVxpYYDQ: Enjoy Latest Bollywood Hindi Full Movies Super hit children's Sports Boxing Movie Bandu Boxer Starring : Ranjeeta, Uday, Lalitesh, Shamim, Chandraprakas, Vinod, Vikas, Padam, Rayna, Asha, Dhruva, Shivam, Sharad, Meghan, Varnita, Anuraag and Fazal Director : Rajeev Mohan Story : Dr. Vijaya Wad Screenplay : K. Shailendra Producer : Children”s Film Society India ( CFSI ) National Centre Of Films For Children and Young People Executive Producer : Rajeev Mohan Synopsis : Bandu is a kid with lot of grit and determination evident from the way he practices to become a boxer. On a trip to a tribal area he becomes friends with Dhondu and is amazed by how tribal kids study in an open school under a tree in contrast to his well funded city school. Moved by this he becomes determined to raise money to build the school for tribal kids. He takes his father into confidence and tries to bolster support for his cause. But doing this will be a test of Bandu’s perseverance as he encounters resistance which only fuels him further. Pleading for compassion towards the plight of those unlike us this entertaining film is motivating for children and adults alike . Director’s Biography : Rajeev Mohan Rajeev Mohan is an ad, documentary and feature film maker. He has made films on issues such as social welfare, culture and sanitation among other. His documentary film Taveez won the National Award for the best documentary on family planning in the year 1994 Watch Hindi Movies -