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Added on: 2019-04-01 05:27:26 Total Views: 1,673
Description: Video details - RJdJk11vPhA : Sree Venkateswara Mahathmyam is a 1960 Telugu mythological film Produced by V. Venkateswarlu, Directed by P Pullaiah. Starring N. T. Rama Rao, Savitri & S.Varalakshmi in the lead roles and Music composed by Pendyala Nageswara Rao. Directed By : P Pullaiah Produced By : V. Venkateswarlu Starring : N. T. Rama Rao, Savitri, & S.Varalakshmi Cast : NTR,Savitri, S. Varalakshmi, Gummadi, A.V.Subba Rao, Ramana Reddy, Surabhi Balasaraswati, Chittor V. Nagaiah, P. Santha Kumari, Rushyendramani, P. Suri Babu, A. V. Subba Rao Jr., Sandhya, Lanka Satyam, Vempati Peda Satyam, Peketi Sivaram, Showkar Janaki, Ghantasala Venkateswara Rao, R. Nageswara Rao, Relangi Venkataramaiah, Balakrishna, Vangara Venkata Subbaiah and others… Music by : Pendyala Nageswara Rao Follow us on - Web Site : ETV Cinema to proudly present... The beloved favourite movies that have transcended time and trends! The all time hits that have touched the hearts of Telugus... Most profoundly.